A smiling woman

Hi, I am John Oamen, the Chief Executive Officer at CutStruct Technology Limited.

I love helping individuals and organizations complete their construction projects on time. ‘Learn how I use technology as an enabler to ensure you have access to real-time updates of prices of construction materials and make sound decisions on the go’.

My Values

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Progress over perfection

I believe in progress over perfection because the journey is the destination.

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Personal and Professional Excellence

Excellence is an important element of my life, and I am a great believer in demonstrating it in all aspects of one's life.

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Innovation is Key.

I am excited about innovation because it has allowed me to think outside the box and collaborate with creative people to develop things that have improved every industry in which I work.

What I do

Aside from Real Estate

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I choose progress over perfection. Perfection doesn't exist, and outcomes are guaranteed by the process.

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My ride or die, the love of my life and my partner in impact. Victoria is kind, caring, sweet, talented and never faltering in the friendship she so gives.


I have always been full of swag, don't you dare call me John Coat.

Let's talk

If you wish to send in a feedback or make enquires. Kindly fill in the form and I would be in touch with you.